Waiting in the gym for daddy to arrive. Wyatt's shirt says... "My daddy is brave....My Daddy is strong....My daddy is a soldier

The Boys in their jammies. :)

Hangin out

We love our new couches

Daddy's first time feeding wyatt in almost a year

Wyatt playing in the living room with his cell phone (jeff's old one)

Our new couches!!!!!!

Out to dinner with some friends

Wyatt and Kaleb, You can't tell really but Wyatt is pretty much attacking Kaleb

Wish I was looking!
I couldn't help but cry when I was looking at your pics together. I am so excited u guys r finally together. I can't wait till the whole fam gets to be together and we will finally have our missing piece that was missing for far too long. Love u guys,
i am so excited that he is home! i've been checking your blog every morning to see if there was a post about jeff coming home. YEAH!!!!!!
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